Tables of side effects of Antidepressants in Depression Patients

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The side effects of Antidepressants are actual and affect patient’s health.
The contradiction here is that, antidepressants may be for some people at some times, these bad side effects can be extremely depressing in themselves.

(To Fit Any Pic Click On It)
Table 1 :
Demographic and clinical characeristics

Table 2 :
CNS side effect incidence (% reporting)

Table 3 :
Sexual functioning (SF) side effect incidence (% reporting)

Table 4 :
Gastrointestinal (GI) side effect incidence (% reporting)

The Original Research By :
The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry
JD Vanderkooy, BSc1, Sidney H Kennedy, MD, FRCPC, R Michael Bagby, PhD, CPsych

I'm Here for any inquiries...



J said...

Sarah I read your comment the hour you sent, but forgive my big mistake for not replying this type of kind compliments.
You are welcome as long as you love..
