Depression And Suicide In Teenagers

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Teen Depression & Suicide

This video includes a serialized facts about depression and suicide.

The points of Discussion on this Video :
It is entirely normal to feel "blue" occasionally, or to feel down for a while after something bad happens.
For teenagers (or anyone for that matter) with major depression however...
feelings of sadness and hopelessness may last for weeks or months and can eventually dominate their lives
Unfortunately, most teens with mental health problems do not get the help they need
And when depression isn't treated, it can get worse, last longer...
...and prevent teens from getting the most out of life
Major depression strikes about 1 in 12 adolescents

All too often, depression is left untreated because people fail to recognize the symptoms and believe that it is just normal sadness, a phase that a teen is going through, or a sign of weakness.
This can Be a Terrible mistake