What Are The Main Causes of Depression?

Monday, November 24, 2008

Major Causes and Reasons of Depression..
Depression repeatedly runs in relations. This may caused by our genes, learned activities, or both. Yet if our genes make us extra possible to increase depression, a sad or stressful life event usually activates the beginning of a depressive episode.

Depression may be triggered by:
• deep-rooted stress
• Childhood occurrences like neglect or violence
• Drug or alcohol abuse
• Death of a relative or any loved person
• frustration at school, work, or home (in adolescence, this may be in trouble with a boy or girlfriend, failing a class, or divorcing of parents)
• Medicines such as high pressure drugs
• Medical situation such as hepatitis, or cancer
• Social loneliness
• lengthened pain or having a critical illness
• Sleeping disorders
• food deficiencies (such as a need of omega-3 acids)
• exceedingly negative view about one's self and living, ineffective social problem solving abilities , and self blame


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