Cause of Anxiety Attack

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Did you know that anxiety or panic is a normal reaction to stress and that it can help you deal with tense situations at home, at the office or if you are studying for a final exam.

However, when anxiety becomes excessive -- to the point where it interferes with your life or your work -- it becomes a disabling disorder.

Clause of anxiety attack

Anxiety disorder affects about 2% of the population? and its symptoms usually develop before age 25.

While there is no clear set of causes for an anxiety/panic attack, most experts believe that anxiety disorder stems from a combination of psychological and physical factors. For example, some experts emphasize the role of stressful events or unconscious conflicts that happened in early childhood.

Anxiety/panic disorder typically begins in late adolescence or early childhood. It typically occurs in response to a sudden loss. Also, severe separation anxiety that you experienced during early childhood can trigger anxiety/panic disorder.

It tends to run in families

There is a tendency for anxiety/panic attacks to run in families. So, if someone in your family has anxiety/panic disorder, you are at an increased risk for developing it. It would seem that there is a connection between this disorder and major life transitions such as graduating from college and entering the workplace, having a baby, or getting married. In addition, severe stress, such as the death of a loved one, a job loss, or divorce can also trigger an attack

Another theory

There is another theory that anxiety/panic attacks are caused by alterations in the biochemistry of your brain, especially in norepinephrine, serotonin, and gamma-aminobutyric acid activity.

This theory holds that anxiety/panic attacks are caused by over-activity in what's called the locus ceruleus. This is the part of the brain that triggers a response to danger. It is thought that people who are subject to panic attacks are unwittingly sending alarms to this part of the brain which could wreck havoc with your perspective.

Anxiety attack treatments

There are a number of treatments available for anxiety/panic attacks, including prescription drugs, herbal supplements and steps you can take yourself such as exercise and relaxation exercises.