Elder People And Depression

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Depression in older human beings is an often ignored complaint that controls higher than one million people age 65 or older and an accrual five million have depressive signs that are extreme enough to need treatment.

If we were to step back and look at depression in older people from an objective point of view it would become quite clear as to why the numbers are so shocking(men older than 60 are more likely to commit suicide than any other combination of age and gender). Three common causes of depression are certain medications, disease, and death of a friend or loved one. Many elderly people experience all three of these potentially problematic contributing factors on a regular basis.

Unfortunately, the complaint often goes undiagnosed and left untreated in older people. Sadly, neither the victim nor their doctor may recognize its symptoms in the context of the myriad of physical problems that come with old age.

A recent study in the area of depression and older people determined that while older depressed people were very forthcoming with their doctors about physical ailments they were not nearly as open about feelings of depressed mood. For example, they may report loss of appetite, insomnia, fatigue, and loss of interest and enjoyment in daily activities. Which may considered as a normal part of the aging process!!

In, summary the issue of depression and older human beings is a broad multifaceted issue that can't be plentifully covered in one report. however, my expectation is that additional doctors, family members, and those elderly people with depression may benefit a greater awareness through the publication of this article and others written by like attended individuals.


buy fluoxetine said...

I agree with you that this article can help create awareness about depression among the elderly. Many people suffering from depression can also benefit from the combination of medicine and therapy. Some studies show that this two-pronged approach may work better than either treatment on its own. Ask your health care provider for a recommendation. You can also get in touch with organizations such as NAMI, the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill, which can suggest experts in your area.

J said...

Thanks for the tip, and I'll put that into consideration.
